
Showing posts from October, 2013

My October Wishlist

Pretty in Plaid by silverspeak7 featuring word wall art


It really does. So many things are changing for the better.  First of all, I'm totally digging my new layout.  I wanted a new look to go with my fresh start. :) Changes happening... 1. My relationship with God is growing.  He's always been working on me but I've been very complacent for a very long time.  I'll talk more about that later. But for now, let me just say, I've been loving this hunger and reawakened desire to KNOW Him. When I read the Bible, it's not a's a desire to want to know my Savior. 2. Health. I've got a kick-arse gym buddy who is super encouraging and motivating. I've been getting into a routine.  Baby steps.  I can't expect to undo in a few days what took years to turn into a mess.  This also goes hand in hand with eating better. I've had a few hiccups but I'm staying motivated to stay on track.  This is a big deal for me because I get discouraged so easily. #icandothis 3. Leadership.  God...