The Walking Dead

It's time for an update. You know, because I'm doing stuff. Things. I'm so excited about October 12th. Are you? THE WALKING DEAD! That's right folks. It's time for Season 5. From the very first episode, I was hooked. You remember the scene with the Goldilocks zombie at the gas station right? Suspense, shock, terror, insanity. My husband and I gave each other our best "holy crap" look and instantly hungered for more. Thankfully, it's still going strong. Here we are at Season 5 and I'm still just as enthralled as I was from Days Gone Bye. Pair my excitement with the hostess blood that runs through my veins and what do you have? And by hostess, I don't mean Twinkies and HoHos. might look at me and be surprised that isn't the case. Baby got back. ANYWAY...all that to say... LETS GET CRAZY. With my beautiful family, I have thrown a few Walking Dead Parties. Nothing over the top, I might add. I'm sure th...