Right Now Conference 2013

I went to a conference earlier this month that impacted me tremendously.  It was a conference directed to people involved in leadership / ministry. My husband and I, along with a group of leaders from our church, attended this event in Dallas, TX.  We were able to hear a crazy amount of wisdom from speakers such as Eric Mason, J.D. Greear, Larry Osborne, Tullian Tchividjian and so on. I wanted to share some of the key quotes that attacked my heart. Enjoy!

It’s in the midst of our greatest mess that God shows up. Guess what? Our mess doesn’t surprise Him. The messiest people are the bessiest people for God to use. God always picks the team He can get the most glory out of. In our eyes, God looks like he picks the worst. God loves to pick out the people who need freedom because they never forget WHO set them free! -  Eric Mason

It’s amazing how many people will change when you stop trying to fix them. When we try to change others, that’s really a subtle attempt to fix ourselves. - Tullian Tchividjian

What if Jesus approached his potential the way you do? Jesus said you’re equipped. Oh you’re busy? Well, Jesus was busy too…saving the world and everything. – J.D. Greear

Haughty eyes and looking down on others is a scary place to be. God would rather you struggle with porn than pride. Wait, hear me out before you tweet that. Let me finish. God doesn’t want you to struggle with porn but which is more damnable to the soul? – Larry Osborne

When we work to display redemption, we no longer care about position. His grace changes our desires. Bless those in need. When we understand how much we are indebted to grace, we will start to see every situation we are in, business or church, as a place not to be served but to serve. – J.D. Greear

God’s strategies rarely make sense. His was are above our own. Why do I rationalize before I obey? Will we say YES, LORD…even if it doesn’t make sense? – Priscilla Shirer

Who you really are has NOTHING to do with you. Your identity is firmly anchored in Jesus’ accomplishments…not yours. The Gospel doesn’t just free you of what you think others think about you…if frees you from what you think about yourself. - Tullian Tchividjian



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