*Fashionable Friday* - You Go to My Head

I'm going to start doing "Fashionable Friday" so I don't overload with my collages. I haven't figured out if I want to do this every Friday or not. I'll probably spread it out mix it up. 

Anyway, the temps finally dropped some over here, which is good, but I'm having severe sinus headaches, which is not good. I feel like someone scrambled my brain. Blarg. 

I hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend.  If all goes as planned, the hubs and I are having dinner with some friends of ours we rarely get to visit. We've starting planning regular visits with them.  They are really sweet people and Jon and I admire their marriage, not because it's perfect but because it's real.  They've been through a lot and they've managed to make it through and stay faith-driven. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from them and tonight I'm looking forward to learning how to grill the perfect steak and the perfect asparagus. :)



  1. you have THE BEST taste! Can we go shopping together please?!?!?!


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