My life right now in a meme

My husband is into the meme world. He loves and he's always showing me hilarious things he sees online. Anyway, I created this for him and wanted to share it because it pretty much sums up this week. lol! He did something really sweet for me the other day and I wanted to kill him! My emotions were all over the place. Anyway, you'll get it.

I love you, Monster. Thank you. :)

So I probably wont update for a while (again) and I want to know what you're most thankful for. The thing I'm MOST thankful for this year are my grandparents. I'm blessed to have them in my life. They are some of the sweetest people I've ever known. My Oma (grandmother on moms side) is 91 and I'm so fortunate that I get to spend another Thanksgiving with her. I don't stop and thank God enough for the treasures He has given me and I'm realizing I need to really value what I have by actions and not just my words. Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll! Hope its a great one!!


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