love story

So, back in tha day I was blogging on an online journaling site. Wow. What a coincidence! It wasn't this site. It was more old school than Xanga. Yup. I’m a dinosaur. One day, I hit the random button at it took me to a journalist who recently posted. I read his entry, which was about girl problems, and left him an encouraging note. From there, we returned comments day to day.

I was not looking to be in a relationship, much less with someone I discovered online. Stories of people meeting online always creeped me out. It seemed so impersonal and WHAT IF the person you’re talking to says they are 24 and is really 50. WHAT IF the person seems friendly but he’s really a serial killer. These are things to consider, people! Anyway, it got to the point where I looked forward to his comments and was a lil bummed if I didn’t have one from him. We began emailing and after emailing for quite some time, we exchanged digits. Still, I’m not interested but I thought he made a nice friend or pen-pal. I still couldn’t believe I gave my number to a guy I never met. Alas, he called and we talked on the phone until the next morning. Seriously. It was like I was talking to someone I had known all my life.

Jon, when I first saw him. I know what you're thinking. Look at that incredible hair!
Ok, Ok...fine. That's Daniel Craig's head on Jon's body.
Turns out, he was interested (YESSS!) but hesitant because for some reason he thought I lived in another country (What?). This wasn’t so.

Me: "Jon, I don't live in Canada. Where did you get Canada from?" 
Jon: "Because you said 'eh?' all the time."
Me: "Ah, yes. Because only Canadians say that."
Jon: "Pretty much."

We began talking every day. I started to realize that I looked forward to hearing his voice. I would think about him during the day. Then it hit me. "I think…I think I really like this guy." Too bad about the distance though. One day we admitted we’re both “smitten” and we decided we weren't going to give titles or try to make our relationship work. We both wanted to just let go and let God take control. If it was meant to be, He’d make a way. We would just have to learn to trust Him.

I had my doubts but then I would look at some of the simple ways that we worked. It seemed effortless the way things fell into place. There was only 10 hours between us but his whole life was where he was and vice versa.
This was taken the week we first met!
He came to meet me for the first time after a about 6 or 7 months of communicating. He drove the 10 hours. My sister was with me while I waited for him to show. Butterflies attacked my stomach as I saw him pull up in front of the house. He jumped out of the car, I walked outside and he ran up to me and kissed me. And I mean, he kissed me. It was knee-weakening. He stayed the week meeting my family, friends and church family. I remember that very first visit being filled with laughs and wonderful conversations. I remember feeling relieved that this guy was NOT a serial killer and was turning out to be who he said he was.

Then he went home. We visited each other a few times after that but it was still rough trying to figure out how we were going to pursue each other in different states. I wasn't exactly thrilled to go on a date with my boyfriend every 6 months, if that.

I sent this picture to him while we were apart.
One night I went to church and my Pastor came up to me. He then told me that he and his wife had been praying for God to show them their next Youth Pastor. He and his wife had Jon on their heart. He asked if I thought he would be interested in becoming the church’s youth pastor and what my thoughts were. I was excited to say the least but my pastor said that he would call him to discuss it. I was blown away because my Pastor met Jon one time and what he knew about Jon was from what I told him.

I had no idea this was going on but that same night, Jon was talking to his mom. He felt like he was called to ministry but there was nothing there for him. He wasn’t feeling called to the ministries where he was. He and his mother prayed together for God to make a way and open doors. Jon told me that night that he had talked and prayed with his mother. I was too excited to hold it in and wait for my Pastor to call, so I told him what happened. I was jumping around in my room while I was on the phone. God had made a way.

Engagement Photo
He moved here and passed all the background checks and requirements to become the new Youth Pastor. From the moment he moved here, things got rough. Really rough. My family and church family were dealing with some serious betrayal and hurt. Hurricane Katrina had just hit us. I stopped going to a church I had been to for over 15 years, the one he would now be teaching at. I was so far from God, angry, hurt and depressed. I was trying to be strong for my family and just fell apart with them. Jon was new to this city and thrown into the middle of this family catastrophe. He was trying to help in every way he could but it was exhausting for him. It was hard for us to have a relationship while I was holding onto bitterness and this went on for quite some time. It felt as though he was seeing me at my worst. Somehow I was able to reach for God and get out of the pit I was in. I was able to let go and forgive. It was like I could breathe again. Jon was a rock. He stayed by my side, letting me cry on his shoulder and trying to hold my head up. I went back home to my church and the members surrounded me with love, prayers and encouragement. It took some time but Jon and I were able to make it through that painful time. I started helping him with the youth group and we dated each other for a couple years.

Our youth group back then!
We had a Super Bowl Party at our church. So many people were there including our local news reporters. They said they were doing a special on churches and Super Bowls. I had paint on my face and was rooting for the Colts all the way, baby! Jon asked me if I would go up with him during half-time to talk about the youth’s progress and some upcoming events. I was upset. I thought that was stupid. I was like “Jon, why do we have to do this now? It’s a friggin Super Bowl party. What am I gunna say anyway?” He just asked me again to please share a lil something and so...I agreed. I said what I could think of that pertained to the youth group and the direction it was headed. Then Jon started sharing after me. He kept talking about the future and I just assumed he was talking about the future of the youth group. Somewhere I got lost on what he was trying to say because I couldn't figure out what it had to do with the youth. The next thing I know, he’s down on one knee in front of everyone asking me to start that future with him. We were in the paper the next day with a big ole picture of him on his knee and me in total shock. I literally had trouble catching my breath for the rest of the week. No joke. It was really weird and hard for me to eat. lol!

The Colts won the Super Bowl and I won his heart! YESSSSS!
We were engaged for about 6 months, signed on our first home the day before we got hitched and here we are today! I can’t thank God enough for the work He’s done and continues to do in our lives. We wouldn't have made it without Him. I love that I’m married to my best friend. He brings so much color to my every day. Don’t get me wrong, we are SOOO not perfect…but we’re perfect for each other. We’re in this adventure together and it takes work and dedication. It takes selflessness and compromise. We love, bicker, laugh and cry. We find a way to drive each other crazy and honestly, I can’t think of anyone else in this world that I’d want to go mad with.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


  1. omg jess you made me cry..i want a crazy imperfect love like yalls

  2. How do you know I'm not a serial killer?!?!

  3. Jess. How crazy is it that I was just writing you about wanting to be "smitten"?! I'm so happy that God brought you two together. :)


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