In the Beginning...
So, I'm taking this class about Creation with an amazing teacher. It's a Biblical teaching about creation with a lot of information stemming from Answers In Genesis. You'd think it's basic stuff right? God created the heavens and the earth. He made Adam and Eve...then there's sin, judgment and all the begat so and so. Well, there's more to it than that. We're also learning about other people's beliefs like The Gap Theory, The Big Bang...etc. It's been really interesting grasping more depth on others beliefs and theories. One of the the MANY things I love about this class is that we're not learning this information for argumentative purposes or to verbally abuse people. However, it is designed to help us stand firm on what WE believe and to better explain it if the opportunity arises. I'm going to be real honest with you, some of the things I've heard in the past that are soooo not biblical can be pretty convincing but the bottom line is...I know where I came from. People can/will/do disagree but it doesn't change what I believe.
Part of our homework was to write a brief paper on what we would say to a new Christian who believes in the Gap Theory. So I'm attaching what I wrote and shared with the class. Please keep in mind this idea is meant to be a discussion so what I've written doesn't really express that. In a real situation, I imagine we'd pray together, joke, have our Bibles out for reference and relay off each others responses.
Genesis 1: 1-2 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Being a new a believer is great because you’ve accepted Christ and you know where you are going. However, it’s so important to know where we started. With many different opinions and theories floating around about how this earth began, it’s easy to lose sight of what truth is. People’s opinions and scientific theories change and have changed throughout the years but we must remember that God’s word is true and it never changes. (Isaiah 40:8, Flowers and grass fade away, but what our God has said will never change.)
Scripture says that God created everything in 6 days. Even if we throw away the discussion of whether or not those were literal days, the Gap Theory leaves us with the idea that death was on this earth before Adam was created. Romans 5:12 says, “Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.” Death was a result of Adam’s sin. If we ignore that scripture, we can easily ignore the core of our salvation and the reason behind Christ’s death for us.
As for the earth appearing to be much older than 6500 years, God created a man when He made Adam. He didn’t create a child. He gave Adam the appearance of being older than what he was and it’s possible He did the same with the earth. After all, He’s GOD! Also we need to account for the flood. When Mount St. Helen’s erupted in the 80s, a canyon was formed along with the physical evidence of severe erosion and deposition in one day! Scientists thought those sort of features occurred over long periods of time. With that in mind, if a volcanic eruption can do that to the earth in one day, imagine what a world-wide flood could do in one year.
I truly believe if there was a huge time lapse before or after Adam’s fall, it would clearly be stated in God’s word as such. Numbers 23: 19 says, “God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” He would not and does not lie to us. If there’s anyone or anything we should believe, we should seek His never-changing word and not man’s ever-changing opinions.
That's it for today. I hope you have a blessed day! Also, still working out. Still trying to eat better. I'm working towards a goal and I already feel better about myself. I know I won't see immediate results but I'm more focused on changing my lifestyle than changing my dress size. I'm paraphrasing a dear friend and fellow blogger when I say, "I didn't get this way overnight and it's not going to be cured overnight. It took years for me to become this way and it'll take years to undo that." Check out her blog! It's anything but dreadful. :)
Coming overload on my latest trip to Texas.
I love you and I love that you're expanding your horizons. I am glad you're getting so much outta the class! Seems pretty neat. Your T-Rex made me laugh. Hard. You were there, you know.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog. wish i could've taken the class. seems very insightful. thanks for the quote, too. :) love you, sister!